Proof by Induction

As we know that “proof P(n) by induction” is:

  1. Proof that P(0) holds
  2. Proof that if P(n-1) holds, P(n) holds as well on n > 1 Note that in step 2, there is an assumption P(n-1) holds

One example for induction proof follows:

Theorem add_0_r_firsttry : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n.

This theorem cannot be proved by simplicity because the +(notation of plus function) is defined by match:

Fixpoint plus (n : nat) (m : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
  | O => m
  | S n' => S (plus n' m)

One cannot use the definition of plus to simplify n + 0 since n is an arbitrary number. Destruction does not work either for the similar reason. Induction proof of this theorem provides:

intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn'].
- (* n = 0 *) reflexivity.
- (* n = S n' *) simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. 

The power of induction is that apart from the case analysis, we can also introduce an induction hypothesis. In the induction clause induction n as [|n' IHn'], n' is the param for the second constructor just like the destruct tactic does; we also introduce a hypothesis IHn' into the context:

IHn': n' + 0 = n'

The hypothesis said the P holds true for P(n-1). Then it is able to rewrite the equation using this hypothesis to make it equals.

For reference: the definition of nat:

Inductive nat : Type := O | S (n : nat).

Here we have another example: given a function that doubles the value, verify it sure does the job.

Fixpoint double (n:nat) :=
  match n with
  | O => O
  | S n' => S (S (double n'))

Lemma double_plus : forall n, double n = n + n .
    intros n. induction n as [| n' iHn']. (* iHn': double n' = n' + n' *)
    (* n=0; goal: double 0 = 0 + 0 *) 
    - simpl. reflexivity.
    (* n=S n'; goal: double (S n') = S n' + S n' *)
    - simpl. rewrite -> iHn'. rewrite plus_n_Sm. reflexivity.

where plus_n_Sm states that for $n+m+1 = n + (m + 1)$

Theorem plus_n_Sm : forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + (S m).

The first case is trivial. On the second case, we run double first by using simpl tactic to replace double (S n') with S (S (double n')). Then it is able to use the induction hypothesis holds for n' to replace double function by n' + n'.


It is a common pattern to refer to another theorem within a theorem. Coq provides a grammar that allows programmers to do this “proofs within proofs” trick.

Theorem mult_0_plus' : forall n m : nat,
  (n + 0 + 0) * m = n * m.
  intros n m.
  assert (H: n + 0 + 0 = n).
    (* proof to the asserted theorem *)
    { rewrite add_comm. simpl. rewrite add_comm. reflexivity. }
    (* rewrite by the asserted theorem *)
  rewrite -> H.
  reflexivity. Qed.

Formal & Informal Proof

What are we writing are formal proofs, in which the readers are programs, like Coq. There are some differences comparing to informal proofs, which are human-readable.

  • In formal proof, the state of each step is implicit, while informal proof could reminds the readers several times where things stand.
  • It is required to follow the exact definition of tactics in formal proof. In informal proof, the proof is written in natural language, and can be flexible for different level of readers. For learners, a good practice is to translate the formal proof into an informal one.


Theorem add_comm : forall n m : nat,
  n + m = m + n.
  intros n m. induction n as [| n' iHn']. 
  - simpl. rewrite -> add_n_O. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite -> iHn'. reflexivity.

Translated informal proof:

  • Theorem: for all n and m, n + m = m + n

    Proof by induction on n.

    • First, suppose n = 0, we want to show that

      0 + m = m + 0.

      For the left side, we use the definition of +.

      0 + m = m.

      For the right side, we learned from add_n_O theorem that

      for all n, n + 0 = n.

      Thus it can be re-wrote to

      m + 0 = m.

      The both side equals.

    • Second, suppose n = S n’ and n’ + m = m + n’, we want to show that

      S n’ + m = m + S n’

      For the left side. we have

      S n’ + m = S(n’ + m)

      By the definition of operator +. From plus_n_Sm theorem we learned

      forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + (S m).

      We can rewrite the right side by the plus_n_Sm theorem:

      m + S n’ = S (m + n’).

      Use the induction hypothesis, this follows from

      S (m + n’) = S(n’ + m).

      Which is identical to the left side. Qed.

The style of this proof is a little pedantic tho, but it’s valid. This example shows that the formal proof can be translated into an informal proof which is often the case when doing math.