
With great flexibility comes great responsibility.

Dynamic objects are the key feature of C++ that makes the language distinct with almost no lifetime rules are applied. That is to say, programs can achieve the most flexibility. But it is the programmers’ responsibilities to make sure each dynamic object gets destructed exactly once. This might be daunting with large programs. Smart pointers, if they are used appropriately, can be a remedy for this problem.

Ownership Models

Each smart pointer has it’s ownership model, which specifies the relationship with a dynamic allocated object. Informally, ownerships are, by the principle of RAII 1, one can rest assured that the point-to objects are alive if there is an owner (a smart pointer pointing to that object).

Scoped Pointers

A scoped pointer expresses an non-transferable, exclusive ownership model. In addition, the lifetime of the a pointer is within the nearest scope.

  • non-transferable: The move and copy operations are not supported.
  • exclusive ownership: For a dynamic object, there is at most one pointer pointing to it.
  • scoped lifetime: destructed when the runtime is outside the scope.

Notice that there is no scoped pointers in stdlib. Until now we can find it in boost only. To use it, one needs to include the header of boost.

#include <boost/smart_ptr/scoped_ptr.hpp>

To illustrate, it’s better to have a sample class, which tracks the number of instantiated objects.

struct Kingdom {
    Kingdom(const char* m = "")
        : message{ m } {
    ~Kingdom() {
    const char* message;
    static int number_of_kindom;
int Kingdom::number_of_kindom{};
using ScopedKingdom = boost::scoped_ptr<Kingdom>;

The unit test expresses the main features of a scoped pointer.

  • The scoped pointer provides a constructor taking a raw pointer.
  • A kingdom legolas is destructed immediately after the scoped code block is finished.
using ScopedKindom = boost::scoped_ptr<Kingdom>;

    Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 0);
    ScopedKingdom aragorn{ new Kingdom };
    Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 1);
        ScopedKingdom legolas{ new Kingdom };
        Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 2);
    Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 1);

This example illustrates the ownership model:

void by_ref(const ScopedKingdom&) {}
void by_val(ScopedKingdom) {}

TEST_METHOD(Scope_Pointer_Nontransferable) {
   ScopedKingdom aragorn{ new Kingdom("aragorn") };

   Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 1);

   auto son_of_arathorn = std::move(aragorn);

The unit test framework using in this post is MS CppUnitTestFramework 2

All smart pointers, including scoped pointers, have two states: empty and full. A smart pointer owning no object is said to be empty, and can be converted to false. Conversely, a smart pointer can be converted to true if it owns something.

Assert::IsTrue(aragorn.operator bool());

Most pointers, including scoped pointers, have implemented the dereference operator* and the member dereference operator->

ScopedKingdom aragorn{ new Kingdom("aragorn")};
Assert::AreEqual(aragorn->message, "aragorn");

The scoped pointers support compare with nullptr, which is yet another way to know whether it is empty.

Although move and copy are not supported, it does support a swap operation. By the name, it swaps the point-to objects of two scoped pointers.

TEST_METHOD(Scope_Pointer_Supports_Swap) {
    ScopedKingdom aragorn{ new Kingdom("aragorn") };
    Assert::AreEqual(aragorn->message, "aragorn");

    ScopedKingdom legolas{ new Kingdom("legolas") };
    Assert::AreEqual(legolas->message, "legolas");

    Assert::AreEqual(aragorn->message, "legolas"); 
    Assert::AreEqual(legolas->message, "aragorn");

Rarely used, operation reset can immediately destroy the owned objects.

Finally, for some historical reasons, it is required to use boost::scoped_array for dynamic arrays.

Unique Pointers

A unique pointer has transferable, exclusive ownership over a single dynamic object. In other words, you can move unique pointers, which makes them transferable. But you cannot copy a unique pointer as well. The stdlib has a unique_ptr available in the <memory> header. Unique pointers are arguably the most commonly used smart pointers in the family.

In addition to constructors, the unique pointer has a factory function, which is more recommended:

auto int_ptr = std::make_unique<int>(808);

The make_unique function forwards all the arguments to the appropriate constructors specified by the template parameter. I like this approach because it avoids explicitly using new.

#include <memory>

using UniqueKingdom = std::unique_ptr<Kingdom>;

TEST_METHOD(Unique_Ptrs_Can_Move) {
	auto aragorn = std::make_unique<Kingdom>("aragorn");
	Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 1);

	auto son_of_arathorn{ std::move(aragorn) };
	Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 1);
	Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 0);

The unique pointers have built-in support for dynamic arrays, so you can

std::unique_ptr<int[]> unique_array { new int[5] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} };

But it is very important that you don’t initialize a std::unique_ptr<T> with a dynamic array T[]. Doing so will lead to undefined behavior.


The std::unique_ptr has an optional template parameter called deleter, which get called when the pointer needs to destroy its owned object.

auto my_deleter = [](int* x) { delete x; };
std::unique_ptr<int, decltype(my_deleter)> my_up{ new int, my_deleter };

By default, the deleter is std::default_delete<T>, which simply calls delete or delete[] on the object. Thus, it is extremely useful when the controlled resources are more than dynamic memory.

A good example to illustrate this is the management of FILE objects. The File is the file handle referencing to a file the OS manages. The OS requires programs to invoke fclose after using it, otherwise it would lead to a resource leakage. It is recommended to use fclose as the deleter as it is a function-like object.

#include <cstdio>

using FileGuard = std::unique_ptr<FILE>;

void say_hello(FileGuard file) {
  fprintf(file.get(), "HELLO DAVE");

int main() {
  auto file = fopen("HAL9000", "w");
    return errno;
  // use `fclose` as the deleter
  FileGuard file_guard{ file, fclose }; 
  // File open here
  // File closed here
  return 0;

Shared Pointers

A shared pointer has transferable, non-exclusive ownership over a single dynamic object. When a single object has been owned by multiple shared pointers, the last owner is the one to release it.

The stdlib has a std::shared_ptr available in the <memory> header.

Boost also has a boost::shared_ptr and it is essentially identical to std::shared_ptr. But the implementation in boost does not support arrays, so you should generally use the stdlib shared pointer.

The API designs of shared pointers are almost identical to those in unique pointers. Thus, it would be pedantic to give elaborated examples here. Some frequent APIs are:

  • make_shared<T>: forwards argument to construct a shared pointer and a dynamic object.
  • Dereference Operators *, ->
  • reset(): Give up ownership or replace by a new object.
  • use_count(): count how many shared pointers own it.

Control Blocks

Shared pointers require a control block, which is a dynamically-allocated object that keeps track of several quantities. For example:

  • the number of shared_ptrs that own the managed object;
  • the number of weak_ptrs that refer to the managed object.

The functionality of shared pointers relied on the correctness of the control block. When shared_ptr is created by calling std::make_shared or std::allocate_shared, the memory for both the control block and the managed object is created with a single allocation3. For this sack, you should generally use make_shared or allocate_shared instead of constructors to create shared pointers.


In addition to the deleter, it is possible to configure the allocator of a std::shared_ptr. The default allocator std::allocator allocates memory from the dynamic storage. But for some historical reason, you can’t use custom deleter or custom allocators in make_share. Instead, you are supposed to use std::allocate_shared for this purpose.

This example illustrates the usage of allocator.

static size_t n_allocated;
static size_t n_deallocated;

template <typename T>
struct MyAllocator {
    using value_type = T;

    MyAllocator() noexcept = default;
    template <typename U>
    MyAllocator(const MyAllocator<U>&) noexcept {}

    T* allocate(size_t n) {
        auto p = operator new(sizeof(T) * n);
        return static_cast<T*>(p);

    void deallocate(T* p, size_t n) {
        operator delete(p);

TEST_CLASS(SharedPtrs) {
    TEST_METHOD(Shared_Ptrs_Support_Allocators) {
        MyAllocator<Kingdom> my_alloc;
        auto aragorn = std::allocate_shared<Kingdom>(my_alloc, "aragorn");

        Assert::IsTrue(Kingdom::number_of_kindom == 0);

        Assert::IsTrue(n_allocated == 1);
        Assert::IsTrue(n_deallocated == 1);

By the way, the deleters work the same way for shared pointers as they do for unique pointers.

Weak Pointers

A weak pointer is a special kind of smart pointer that has ownership. It can be “promoted” to a shared pointer when necessary. In general, weak pointers allow you to track object and convert to a shared pointer only if the tracked object is still alive.

A common usage for weak pointers is cache, which is often temporary and programmers should provide a appropriate fallbacks when the cache is failed.

The stdlib has a std::weak_ptr, and Boost also has a boost::weak_ptr. They are used with their respective shared pointers.

The constructor of a weak pointer takes a shared pointer. To convert it to a shared pointer, invoke the lock() method.

TEST_METHOD(Weak_Ptrs) {
    auto aragorn = std::make_shared<Kingdom>("aragorn");
    auto weak_refer = std::weak_ptr<Kingdom>{ aragorn };

    Assert::IsTrue(aragorn.use_count() == 1);

    auto shared_refer = weak_refer.lock();

    Assert::IsTrue(aragorn.use_count() == 2);

Intrusive Pointers

This section is here only for reminding that “there is such a pointer”.

A intrusive pointer is a shared pointer to an object with an embedded reference count. For the boost::intrusive_ptr, every new intrusive_ptr instance increments the reference count by using an unqualified call to the function intrusive_ptr_add_ref, passing it the pointer as an argument. Similarly, when an intrusive_ptr is destroyed, it calls intrusive_ptr_release; this function is responsible for destroying the object when its reference count drops to zero.

It’s rare to use an intrusive pointer. Plus, there is no standard “interface” mechanism in C++, making it even more hard to use and maintain. Unless there is a strong reason, for example, some existing frameworks or OSes provide objects with embedded reference counts, you should not consider intrusive pointers.


  1. Resource acquisition is initialization. (2023). Retrieved from 

  2. TylerMSFT. (2023). Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.CppUnitTestFramework API - Visual Studio (Windows). Retrieved from 

  3. std::shared_ptr. (2023). Retrieved from